Office: (847) 424-7373
1600 Dodge Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 (Rm. G130)
Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (3p - 6:30p)
Tuesday/Thursday (11:30a - 6:30p)
Saturday (8:30a - 12p)
Student-Athlete Injury Resource Page
How We Are Continuing to Serve You in a Safe Manner.
ETHS Athletic Training team is here to be the first point of contact for all student-athletes. We strive to provide quality and efficient care to any and everyone we encounter.
Injury Evaluations
All ETHS student-athletes that are in need of a non-emergency injury evaluation by a certified athletic trainer may arrange a 15-minute appointment on Google Calendar using the link below. Student-athletes with an appointment must still follow all safety guidelines upon arrival.
Student-athletes MUST communicate their appointment slot with their coach. Student-athletes are not allowed to make an appointment during a class period. Free periods (does not include FASH/SASH/PE), lunch periods, and after school is when students should make appointments.
During times of high patient volume, the Athletic Trainers will triage cases as necessary. As a result, some student-athletes may be re-scheduled for the next available appointment slot.
Student-athletes, coaches/staff, and parents can access the appointment page via the link below. For our records, student-athletes will have to sign-in with their ETHS Google accounts to gain access to the appointment listings.